Table 1: Summary of new users, lifetime health gains (QALYs) and lifetime incremental costs by intervention (1994–2005) (14) (54), (56)*
QALY gainsIncremental costs
Patient group, interventionTotal new user, thousandsUnit QALY gainedTotal QALYs, thousandsTotal monetized, Can$ millionsPer new user, Can$Total costs, Can$ millionsNet monetary benefit, Can$ millions
AMI511.3147.37 365.953 677.23 850.43 515.5
Fibrinolysis251.440.27569.153 457.311 784.02 963.0494.3
ACE inhibitor and ARB29.260.74021.651 082.77 704.0225.4857.2
Primary PCI20.150.4188.43421.41.80.037035421.3
Primary CABG0.320.3500.115.511 684.53.71.8
Statin32.060.35011.22561.015 991.2512.648.4
Community CPR9.720.4174.05202.62 448.323.8178.8
Hospital CPR11.101.17613.05652.52 448.327.2625.3
ACS260.978.93 946.862 069.71 400.42 546.4
ASA and heparin35.650.2137.59379.70.00330.000117379.7
ASA alone4.250.2130.9045.20.00330.00001445.2
Glycoprotein IIb/IIa19.340.0991.9195.71 235.923.971.8
ACE inhibitor and ARB21.820.74016.15807.47 704.0168.1639.3
CABG surgery20.181.10022.201 110.035 521.6716.9393.1
Statin25.060.3508.77438.515 991.2400.737.8
Secondary prevention after AMI322.961.23 062.410 698.3637.52 424.9
ACE inhibitor55.870.18010.06502.82 706.8151.2351.6
Statin61.330.35021.471 073.36 581.9403.7669.6
Chronic angina and CHD1 491.5555.527 774.639 020.49 066.018 708.5
ASA in community580.330.213123.616 180.60.00330.0019006 180.6
Statins in community483.340.314151.777 588.46 581.93 181.34 407.1
ACE inhibitor331.510.770255.2612 763.015 087.05 001.47 761.6
CABG surgery56.100.40022.441 122.011 684.5655.5466.5
Angioplasty40.200.0602.41120.65 667.1227.8–107.2
Hospital heart failure46.08.5426.16 857.942.3383.9
ACE inhibitor21.290.2104.47223.637.70.8222.8
β-blocker8.510.1371.1758.31 368.411.646.6
Statin5.830.1931.1256.24 881.728.527.8
Community heart failure410.477.43 871.56 857.9527.43 344.1
ACE inhibitor and ARB175.080.21036.771 838.337.76.61 831.7
β-blocker76.300.13710.45522.61 368.4104.4418.2
Statin84.090.19316.23811.54 881.7410.5401.0
Hypertension568.7398.119 903.11 373.6781.119 122.0
All hypertension treatment568.660.700398.0619 903.11 373.6781.119 122.0
Hyperlipidemia treatment872.4116.95 845.410 690.63 109.02 736.4
Statins for primary prevention761.190.134102.005 099.93 563.52 712.52 387.4
Gemfibrozil83.450.13411.18559.13 563.5297.4261.7
Niacin27.820.1343.73186.43 563.599.187.2
Heart transplant2.02.9145.568 287.4134.710.8
Heart transplant1.971.4752.91145.568 287.4134.710.8
Smoking467.5767.038 347.5111.9420.837 926.7
Smoking cessation220.280.990218.0810 903.9111.9420.810 483.1
Smoking nonstarting247.242.220548.8727 443.60027 443.6
Total4 953.62 213.8110 688.819 969.690 719.2

Note: ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ACS = acute coronary syndrome, AMI = acute myocardial infarction, ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker, ASA = acetylsalicylic acid, CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting, CHD = coronary heart disease, CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Gp IIB/IIA – glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention, QALY = quality-adjusted life-year.
*Studies used to generate QALYs and costs are included in the cited references.