Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of Ontario patients with eating disorders who applied for and received out-of-country specialized inpatient care from Apr. 1, 2000 to Mar. 31, 2012, by whether they also received specialized inpatient care in province
CharacteristicNo. (%) of patients*p value
Received specialized inpatient care out of country only
(n = 126)
Received specialized inpatient care both out of country and in province
(n = 160)
    Male11 (8.7) 50.03
    Female115 (91.3)≤ 155
Age at time of first application, yr
    Mean ± SD24.2 ± 10.320.3 ± 7.6< 0.001
    Median (IQR)21 (17-28)17 (16-23)
Neighbourhood income quintile
    1 (lowest)16 (12.7)19 (11.9)1.0
    214 (11.1)19 (11.9)
    325 (19.8)30 (18.8)
    426 (20.6)32 (20.0)
    5 (highest)45 (35.7)60 (37.5)
Rural residence13 (10.3)11 (6.9)0.3
Comorbid condition
    Diabetes6 (4.8) 50.3
    Asthma30 (23.8)39 (24.4)0.9
    Hypertension7 (5.6)11 (6.9)0.3

Note: IQR = interquartile range, SD = standard deviation.

*Except where noted otherwise.