Table 3: Context of military-related sexual assault by sex
Type of sexual assault; contextWeighted no.* (%) of participants (95% CI)
n = 460
n = 1380
n = 1840
Forced sexual activity
While deployed on CAF mission-†160 (23.5) (12.7-34.3)-†
Occurred in CAF workplace (other than deployment)-†420 (61.8) (49.6-74.0)-†
Committed by CAF member or civilian DND employee80 (80.0) (51.8-100.0)620 (91.2) (84.5-97.9)700 (89.7) (82.6-96.8)
Any forced sexual activity‡100680780
Unwanted sexual touching
While deployed on CAF mission-†360 (27.3) (19.5-35.0)-†
Occurred in CAF workplace (other than deployment)260 (61.9) (46.6-77.2)780 (59.1) (50.4-67.8)1040 (59.8) (52.2-67.4)
Committed by CAF member or civilian DND employee380 (90.5) (79.7-100)1240 (93.9) (90.6-97.3)1620 (93.1) (89.2-97.0)
Any unwanted sexual touching‡42013201740
Any sexual assault
While deployed on CAF mission60 (13.0) (2.4-23.7)380 (27.5) (20.0-35.1)440 (23.9) (17.6-30.3)
Occurred in CAF workplace (other than deployment)260 (56.5) (41.4-71.6)820 (59.4) (51.0-67.8)1080 (58.7) (51.3-66.1)
Committed by CAF member or civilian DND employee380 (82.6) (70.9-94.3)1300 (94.2) (90.5-97.9)1680 (91.3) (87.2-95.4)
Any sexual assault‡46013801840

Note: CI = confidence interval, CAF = Canadian Armed Forces, DND = Department of National Defence.

*Weighted to the entire Canadian Regular Force in service in September 2012. To protect the identity of respondents, Statistics Canada permits the release only of weighted cell counts, which must be rounded to the nearest 20. We calculated prevalence rates using these rounded cell counts.

†Insufficient data for presentation (does not meet Statistics Canada's minimum cell count requirements).

‡This does not reflect the sum of the contexts, as the categories are not mutually exclusive.