Table 1:

Unadjusted weighted prevalence estimates of adverse childhood experiences by age groups and sex*

CharacteristicTotal sampleTotalAge 45–54 yr (birth cohort 1960–1969)Age 55–64 yr (birth cohort 1950–1959)Age 65–74 yr (birth cohort 1940–1949)Age 75–85 yr (birth cohort 1930–1939)
n (%)44 81721 873 (48.3)22 944 (51.7)3201 (49.8)3397 (50.2)6984 (48.2)7766 (51.8)6643 (49.3)6660 (50.8)5045 (44.9)5121 (55.1)
Age, yr, mean63.863.564.152.051.959.059.168.969.080.380.6
Adverse childhood experiences, no. (%)
Physical abuse11 357 (25.7)6580 (30.0)4777 (21.7)1009 (30.5)841 (26.1)2313 (31.9)1914 (24.4)2058 (29.7)1378 (20.6)1200 (25.0)644 (12.8)
Sexual abuse7227 (17.3)1942 (9.1)5285 (24.9)301 (8.7)866 (28.3)595 (8.8)2015 (26.5)633 (10.0)1562 (24.0)413 (8.9)842 (19.0)
Emotional abuse9242 (21.8)3960 (19.1)5282 (24.4)759 (23.6)990 (30.7)1538 (22.0)2132 (27.3)1147 (16.4)1519 (23.5)516 (10.7)641 (12.5)
Neglect1473 (3.1)582 (2.5)891 (3.7)106 (3.2)171 (5.2)187 (2.6)322 (3.8)163 (1.9)257 (3.3)126 (2.3)141 (2.6)
Exposure to intimate partner violence9232 (22.4)3977 (20.1)5255 (24.6)814 (26.8)1033 (31.5)1506 (21.7)2065 (27.3)1126 (17.2)1483 (22.7)531 (12.2)674 (13.7)
 Verbal abuse8631 (20.9)3665 (18.5)4966 (23.2)775 (25.6)991 (30.0)1405 (20.2)1970 (26.0)1030 (15.4)1394 (21.0)455 (10.5)611 (12.7)
 Physical violence3265 (7.8)1389 (6.5)1876 (9.0)268 (8.0)337 (10.8)495 (6.9)761 (10.1)427 (6.1)540 (9.1)199 (4.3)238 (4.4)
Death of a parent7264 (16.3)3477 (15.6)3787 (17.0)385 (11.7)435 (14.3)1008 (15.6)1194 (15.1)1066 (15.7)1162 (19.5)1018 (20.5)996 (20.3)
Parental divorce or separation4298 (10.7)2016 (10.7)2282 (10.8)526 (16.1)592 (17.5)744 (11.9)909 (11.6)432 (7.0)466 (7.8)314 (6.9)315 (6.1)
Living with a family member with mental health problems9147 (21.3)3829 (18.0)5318 (24.4)755 (22.5)1019 (30.0)1438 (19.6)2134 (27.3)1100 (15.9)1445 (22.6)536 (11.7)720 (14.6)
  • * Sum of prevalence of the categories do not add up to 100 since they are not mutually exclusive.

  • CLSA weights are calculated based on 4 age (45–54, 55–64, 65–74 and 75–85), 2 sex (male and female), 10 provinces and 2 geographic area (CLSA data collection site and nondata collection sites) strata.