Table 5:

Variation in prevalence and nature of PPI across trial characteristics among those who did and did not report PPI

CharacteristicNo. (%) of responses
Reported PPI
n = 334
Reported no PPI
n = 333
Trial population (self-report)
 Children only (< 18 yr)71 (55.9)56 (44.1)
 Older adults only (> 65 yr)46 (50.0)46 (50.0)
 Neither of the above217 (48.4)231 (51.6)
Country of corresponding author (n = 663)*
 Canada13 (31.0)29 (69.0)
 United States119 (47.4)132 (52.6)
 United Kingdom90 (79.6)23 (20.4)
 Non-UK Europe73 (42.7)98 (57.3)
 Australia or New Zealand42 (47.7)46 (52.3)
 South Africa1 (16.7)5 (83.3)
 Other5 (71.4)2 (28.6)
Unit of randomization (n = 665)
 Individual122 (43.9)156 (56.1)
 Cluster211 (54.5)176 (45.5)
Study manuscript used the word “pragmatic” in reference to the trial (n = 665)
 Yes124 (60.8)80 (39.2)
 No209 (45.3)252 (54.7)
Year of publication (n = 665)
 201439 (46.4)45 (53.6)
 201548 (42.1)66 (57.9)
 201652 (47.7)57 (52.3)
 201773 (51.4)69 (48.6)
 201892 (56.1)72 (43.9)
 201929 (55.8)23 (44.2)
  • Note: PPI = patient and public involvement.

  • * More than 1 selection possible.

  • Two survey respondents entered an incorrect identifier and could not be linked to a publication (1 in each group).