Correction: Opioid losses in terms of dosage and value, January 2012 to September 2017: a retrospective analysis of Health Canada data ====================================================================================================================================== An error occurred in an article published Feb. 24, 2020.1 The first paragraph of the article included the sentence “Since 2006, any individuals or organizations in Canada licensed to produce, package, assemble, sell or transport opioids are mandated to report losses to Health Canada by fax or email within 10 days (see reporting form in Appendix 1, section 9, available at [](” The authors have been alerted that this requirement was present before the *Controlled Drugs and Substances Act* and have verified that it is present in the 1961 *Narcotic Control Act*. The sentence has been revised to “Dating back to at least 1961, any individuals or organizations in Canada licensed to produce, package, assemble, sell or transport opioids are mandated to report losses to Health Canada by fax or email within 10 days (see reporting form in Appendix 1, section 9, available at [](” The original reference 12 (to the *Narcotic Control Regulations*)2 has been replaced with a reference to the *Narcotic Control Act*.3 The article has been corrected at []( ## References 1. Fan M, Tscheng D, Hamilton M, et al. (2020) Opioid losses in terms of dosage and value, January 2012 to September 2017: a retrospective analysis of Health Canada data. CMAJ Open 8:E113–9. [Abstract/FREE Full Text]( 2. (Jan 16, 2020) *Narcotic Control Regulations* (C.R.C., c. 1041) (Government of Canada, Ottawa) [Justice Laws website], amended 2019 Dec 9. Available: [,\_c._1041/index.html](,_c._1041/index.html). accessed 2019 Nov 20. 3. (1961) Narcotic Control Act (Government of Canada, Ottawa) SOR/61-344. P.C. 1961-1133, pp 1285–96. * © 2021 CMA Joule Inc. or its licensors