PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kithulegoda, Natasha AU - Chu, Cherry AU - Tadrous, Mina AU - Bean, Tupper AU - Salach, Lena AU - Regier, Loren AU - Bevan, Lindsay AU - Burton, Victoria AU - Price, David AU - Ivers, Noah AU - Desveaux, Laura TI - Academic detailing to improve appropriate opioid prescribing: a mixed-methods process evaluation AID - 10.9778/cmajo.20210050 DP - 2023 Sep 01 TA - CMAJ Open PG - E932--E941 VI - 11 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - CMAJ2023 Sep 01; 11 AB - Background: Academic detailing, an educational outreach service for family physicians, was funded by the Ontario government to address gaps in opioid prescribing and pain management. We sought to evaluate the impact of academic detailing on opioid prescribing, and to understand how and why academic detailing may have influenced opioid prescribing.Methods: In this mixed-methods study, we collected quantitative and qualitative data concurrently from 2017 to 2019 in Ontario, Canada. We analyzed prescribing outcomes descriptively for a sample of participating physicians and compared them with a matched control group. We invited physicians to participate in qualitative interviews to discuss their experiences in academic detailing. Development and analysis of qualitative interviews was informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework. We triangulated qualitative and quantitative findings to understand the mechanisms that drove changes in opioid prescribing.Results: Physicians receiving academic detailing (n = 238) achieved a greater reduction in opioid prescribing than matched controls (n = 238). Seventeen physicians completed interviews and reported that academic detailing addressed barriers to pain care, including lack of confidence, difficult interactions with patients and prescribing and tapering decisions. Academic detailing reinforced knowledge about opioid prescribing and pain management. Discussion of complex patients and talking points to use during challenging conversations were described as key drivers of practice change.Interpretation: The findings of this real-world, mixed-methods evaluation explain how an academic detailing service addressed key barriers and enablers to limit high-risk opioid prescribing in primary care. This nuanced understanding will be used to inform, spread and scale academic detailing.