Table 1: Demographic and baseline characteristics of 1849 survey respondents, by number of chronic conditions
CharacteristicGroup, % (95% CI)*
Total1 chronic condition≥ 2 chronic conditions
Total67.8 (64.8–70.8)32.2 (29.2–35.2)
Sex, male49.9 (46.0–53.8)47.9 (43.1–52.7)54.2 (48.0–60.4)
Age category, yr
40–6448.8 (45.7–52.1)54.4 (50.3–58.5)37.2 (31.1–43.4)
65–7426.9 (23.9–29.8)25.4 (21.7–29.0)30.0 (24.7–35.4)
≥ 7524.3 (21.5–27.0)20.2 (16.9–23.6)32.7 (27.0–38.4)
Rural residence17.5 (14.6–20.5)17.1 (13.4–20.9)18.3 (14.1–22.5)
Household income
< $30 00021.8 (18.9–24.7)18.5 (15.2–21.8)28.6 (23.1–34.1)
$30 000–$54 99927.4 (24.3–30.4)23.8 (20.2–27.3)34.9 (29.5–40.4)
$55 000–$94 99924.9 (21.5–28.4)27.0 (22.4–31.6)20.6 (15.7–25.4)
≥ $95 00026.0 (22.3–29.6)30.7 (25.8–35.6)15.9 (11.4–20.4)
Median household income, $55 00063 00043 000
Marital status
Married/common-law66.9 (63.2–70.6)69.2 (64.7–73.7)62.2 (56.6–67.8)
Widowed/separated/divorced/single33.1 (29.4–36.8)30.8 (26.3–35.3)37.8 (32.2–43.4)
Level of education
   Did not graduate from high school21.3 (18.6–24.1)18.7 (15.5–21.9)26.8 (21.6–32.0)
   Graduated from high school and/or completed some postsecondary education22.0 (18.9–25.1)22.3 (18.3–26.2)21.5 (16.2–26.8)
   Graduated from a postsecondary program (did not complete a Bachelor’s degree)37.7 (33.9–41.5)37.1 (32.2–42.0)38.8 (33.0–44.6)
   Completed a Bachelor’s or higher degree19.0 (15.6–22.4)21.9 (17.3–26.5)12.9 (9.1–16.7)
BMI category†
Normal/underweight23.3 (19.8–26.7)24.7 (20.3–29.2)20.0 (14.7–25.4)
Overweight36.7 (32.5–40.8)38.0 (32.9–43.2)33.7 (27.6–29.9)
Obese40.1 (36.2–44.0)37.2 (32.2–42.3)46.2 (40.1–52.3)
Mean BMI29.4 (29.1–29.6)28.9 (28.6–29.2)30.3 (29.8–30.8)
Province of residence
British Columbia44.5 (41.3–47.7)43.8 (39.2–48.4)46.0 (40.7–51.3)
Alberta31.7 (28.8–34.6)33.9 (29.8–37.9)27.0 (22.5–31.6)
Saskatchewan10.8 (9.4–12.1)9.7 (8.0–11.5)13.0 (9.7–16.2)
Manitoba13.0 (11.1–15.0)12.6 (9.9–15.4)14.0 (10.1–17.9)
Ethnic origin
White86.7 (83.5–89.9)87.3 (83.2–91.4)85.4 (80.6–90.1)
Aboriginal4.2 (2.9–5.5)3.3 (1.8–4.9)6.0 (3.3–8.7)
Other9.1 (6.0–12.2)9.4 (5.3–13.4)8.7 (4.6–12.7)
Self-perceived health
Excellent/very good36.8 (33.0–40.6)43.8 (38.7–48.9)22.1 (17.1–27.1)
Good40.2 (36.1–44.2)41.1 (35.7–46.4)38.3 (32.1–44.5)
Fair/poor23.0 (20.1–25.9)15.1 (12.0–18.3)39.6 (33.5–45.6)
Type of chronic condition‡
Hypertension82.1 (79.3–84.8)63.5 (60.0–67.0)36.5 (33.0–40.0)
Diabetes26.3 (23.7–28.9)33.4 (27.0–39.7)66.6 (60.3–73.0)
Heart disease21.5 (18.7–24.3)29.6 (23.0–36.2)70.4 (63.8–77.0)
Stroke8.0 (6.4–9.6)9.0 (3.0–15.1)91.0 (84.9–97.0)

Note: BMI = body mass index, CI = confidence interval.
*Unless stated otherwise. All proportions (%) and 95% CIs were weighted and bootstrapped as per Statistics Canada guidelines. N values for subgroups are therefore not meaningful and have been excluded.
†BMI was corrected for self-report bias. (8)
‡The percentages in the final 2 columns reflect the proportion of respondents with that chronic condition who had 1 or more than 1 of the chronic conditions.