Table 5: Mortality and excess mortality related to drug use, viral hepatitis and liver disease, and HIV infection in subgroups stratified by HCV and HIV status*
Cause of deathHCV+/HIV– †
n = 1068
n = 70
n = 465
n = 693
No. of deathsRate§
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
No. of deathsRate§
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
No. of deathsRate§
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
No. of deathsRate§
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
All106167 (138–203)5.9 (4.9–7.1)23641 (426–964)19.2 (12.8–28.9)126515 (432–613)23.0 (19.3–27.4)44107 (79–144)3.5 (2.6–4.7)
Men75169 (135–233)4.8 (3.8–6.0)18794 (500–1261)17.1 (10.8–27.2)77501 (401–627)16.9 (13.5–21.1)34112 (80–156)3.0 (2.2–4.2)
Women31164 (115–233)13.1 (9.2–18.6)5378 (157–908)34.4 (14.3–82.7)49538 (407–712)53.8 (40.6–71.2)1093 (50–173)7.6 (4.1–14.2)
Drug-related¶2235 (23–53)12.6 (8.3–19.1)256 (14–223)23.1 (5.8–92.3)2186 (56–132)33.7 (22.0–51.7)410 (4–26)3.8 (1.4–10.2)
Men1636 (22–59)10.5 (6.4–17.1)288 (22–535)27.8 (7.0–111.3)1172 (40–129)21.2 (11.7–38.2)413 (5–35)4.3 (1.6–11.5)
Women632 (14–71)26.9 (12.1–59.9)010110 (59–204)96.8 (52.1–180.0)0
Liver-related**1321 (12–35)9.6 (5.6–16.5)0520 (9–49)12.1 (5.0–29.1)0
Men920 (11–39)7.4 (3.8–14.2)0213 (3–52)5.6 (1.4–22.3)0
Women421 (8–56)28.2 (10.6–75.1)0333 (11–102)54.4 (17.6–168.8)0
HIV-related††013362 (210–624)199.8 (116.0–344.1)64262 (205–334)142.8 (111.8–182.5)0
Men010441 (237–820)177.0 (95.2–329.0)43280 (208–377)108.0 (80.1–145.6)0
Women03227 (73–703)349.9 (112.8–1100.0)21231 (150–354)420.7 (274.3–645.2)0

Note: CI = confidence interval; ICD-10 = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision; SMR = standardized mortality ratio.
*Causes of death for participants in the “unknown status” group (i.e., those whose HCV status and HIV status were both unknown, and those whose status was unknown for either HCV or HIV and who had a negative HIV or HCV result, respectively) are shown in Appendix 3 (available at
†Includes participants whose HCV result was positive and whose HIV status was either negative or unknown.
‡Includes participants whose HIV result was positive and whose HCV status was either negative or unknown.
§Rate per 10 000 person-years.
¶Deaths from mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use (ICD-10 codes F11–16, F19), accidental poisoning by drugs (X40–44), suicide by drugs (X60–64), assault by drugs and medicaments (X85), poisoning by drugs or medicaments undetermined if accidental or intentional (Y10–14), and adverse effects of drugs and medicaments (Y40–574, Y577–79, Y598, Y880).
**Deaths from viral hepatitis (B15–19), liver cancer (C22), alcoholic liver disease (K70) and nonalcoholic liver disease (K71–77).
††ICD-10 codes B20–24.