Table 2: Characteristics of the study population
VariableNo. of patients (%)*
n = 14 907
Patient characteristics
Age, yr; mean ± SD65.2 ± 15.9
Male7 942(53.3)
Income quintile
12 491(16.7)
22 893(19.4)
32 913(19.5)
43 198(21.5)
53 412(22.9)
Rural residence2 088(14.0)
Long-term care or nursing home residence248(1.7)
Immigrant1 195(8.0)
Past medical history
Hypertension, recent diagnosis (in the last yr)419(2.8)
Hypertension, diagnosis made before the last 1 yr8 699(58.4)
Heart failure, recent diagnosis (in the last yr)225(1.5)
Heart failure, diagnosis made before the last 1 yr787(5.3)
Acute myocardial infarction2 156(14.5)
Coronary artery disease1 726(11.6)
Coronary artery bypass graft361(2.4)
Diabetes mellitus2 896(19.4)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease2 426(16.3)
Asthma2 014(13.5)
Renal failure527(3.5)
Nonmetastatic cancer1 895(12.7)
Metastatic cancer252(1.7)
CHADS2 score ≥ 25 830(39.1)
ADG score, mean ± SD9.9 ± 4.2
Emergency department visit characteristics
Emergency department triage score (1 = highest acuity)
1 or 29 916(66.5)
34 991(33.5)
No. of patients who arrived by ambulance4 074(27.3)
Time of day patient presented to emergency department
00:00–07:592 872(19.3)
08:00–15:597 640(51.3)
16:00–23:594 395(29.5)
Day of week patient presented to emergency department
Weekday11 492(77.1)
Weekend3 415(22.9)
Emergency department physician, sex
Unknown1 895(12.7)
Female2 581(17.3)
Male10 431(70.0)
Emergency department physician, specialty
Emergency medicine (3-yr program)5 875(39.4)
Emergency medicine (5-yr program)1 962(13.2)
Family medicine3 832(25.7)
Other1 345(9.0)
Unknown1 893(12.7)
Emergency department physician, no. of years of practice; yr
     0–31 900(12.7)
     4–103 686(24.7)
   11–204 219(28.3)
> 203 159(21.2)
Unknown1 943(13.0)
Hospital type
Community11 285(75.7)
Teaching2 786(18.7)
Family physician characteristics
Family physician, sex
Female3 804(25.5)
Male10 333(69.3)
Family physician, main specialty
Family medicine13 981(93.8)
Emergency medicine146(1.0)
Family physician, no. of years of practice; yr
   11–151 353(9.1)
> 1511 329(76.0)
No. of patients with a family physician14 146(94.9)
Family physician’s model type
CCM† or FHG‡6 613(44.4)
FHN§ with FHT692(4.6)
FHN§ without FHT315(2.1)
FHO¶ with FHT2 271(15.2)
FHO¶ without FHT3 189(21.4)
FFS**1 066(7.2)
Family physician belongs to an FHT2 963(19.9)

Note: ADG = aggregated diagnosis group, CCM = comprehensive care model, CHADS2 = cardiac failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, stroke system, FFS = fee for service, FHG = family health group, FHN = family health network, FHO = family health organization, FHT = family health team, SD = standard deviation.
*Unless otherwise specified.
†Primarily fee for service, < 3 physicians.
‡Primarily fee for service, ≥ 3 physicians.
§Primarily capitation, small basket of services.
¶Primarily capitation, large basket of services.
**Traditional fee for service.