Table 1: Characteristics and rates of death between 2000 and 2012 in people admitted to provincial correctional facilities in Ontario in 2000 (n Table 1: Characteristics and rates of death between 2000 and 2012 in people admitted to provincial correctional facilities in Ontario in 2000 (n = 48 166)
No. (% of men)Person-yearsMortality per 1000 person-yearsNo. (% of women)Person-yearsMortality per 1000 person-years
All43 419 (100)522 742.37.14747 (100)57 260.97.3
Age at baseline, yr15-194054 (9.3)50 046.62.6411 (8.7)5095.61.8
20-248257 (19.0)101 957.82.7752 (15.8)9273.02.6
25-296349 (14.6)77 710.54.0684 (14.4)8389.94.2
30-346942 (16.0)84 628.74.9878 (18.5)10 695.15.9
35-396936 (16.0)83 512.47.2901 (19.0)10 734.89.0
40-445009 (11.5)59 340.110.5567 (11.9)6711.411.3
45-492805 (6.5)32 486.114.4306 (6.4)3521.916.5
50-541565 (3.6)17 658.818.7117 (2.5)1350.217.8
55-59771 (1.8)8274.228.574 (1.6)851.317.6
60-64395 (0.9)3967.540.132 (0.7)360.225.0
65-69206 (0.5)1965.950.421 (0.4)231.825.9
70-7485 (0.2)793.451.7 5* ( 0.1)45.5 109.8*
75-7937 (0.1)331.254.30 (0.0)--
 808 (0.0)69.1 72.4*0 (0.0)--
RaceAboriginal3005 (6.9)35 972.08.4460 (9.7)5468.69.0
Black5374 (12.4)66 137.43.1596 (12.6)7367.32.0
Declined to specify47 (0.1)583.4 8.6* 5* ( 0.1)37.00.0
East Asian545 (1.3)6682.83.735 (0.7)435.20.0
Hispanic392 (0.9)4817.72.928 (0.6)347.0 14.4*
Other1431 (3.3)17 625.63.1124 (2.6)1527.1 3.3*
South Asian897 (2.1)10 922.44.654 (1.1)665.2 7.5*
Southeast Asian725 (1.7)8872.64.270 (1.5)877.1 5.7*
Unknown454 (1.0)5470.45.372 (1.5)869.19.2
West Asian/Arab572 (1.3)7100.62.326 (0.5)324.30.0
White29 977 (69.0)358 557.48.33279 (69.1)39 342.88.6
Neighbourhood income quintileMissing7862 (18.1)96 907.83.3910 (19.2)11 200.83.9
1 (lowest)13 336 (30.7)159 367.38.31693 (35.7)20 362.97.6
28381 (19.3)100 458.67.9858 (18.1)10 302.98.7
35892 (13.6)70 743.87.4573 (12.1)6920.57.4
44674 (10.8)56 102.07.8393 (8.3)4698.78.7
5 (highest)3274 (7.5)39 162.88.1320 (6.7)3775.010.1
Admissions to provincial custody 2000-2012114 238 (32.8)169 333.27.81885 (39.7)22 714.85.9
2-414 678 (33.8)175 775.77.61392 (29.3)16 653.58.0
 514 503 (33.4)177 633.45.91470 (31.0)17 892.68.3
Transferred to federal facility 2000-2012No38 680 (89.1)464 590.07.44480 (94.4)53 968.87.5
Yes4739 (10.9)58 152.24.8267 (5.6)3292.13.3
Total time in provincial custody 2000-2012< 1 wk8006 (18.4)95 893.86.51358 (28.6)16 406.65.4
1 wk to < 1 mo5676 (13.1)67 742.77.8863 (18.2)10 251.78.5
1 mo to < 3 mo6971 (16.1)82 747.98.6787 (16.6)9436.58.5
3 mo to < 6 mo6072 (14.0)72 872.67.6628 (13.2)7479.510.0
6 mo to < 1 yr6132 (14.1)73 685.27.9534 (11.2)6514.67.8
1 yr to < 2 yr5384 (12.4)65 483.86.8395 (8.3)4895.85.5
2 yr to < 3 yr2445 (5.6)30 188.54.9114 (2.4)1430.74.9
 3 yr2733 (6.3)34 127.73.568 (1.4)845.4≤ 5.9*

*To decrease the risk of identifying individuals, we indicated 5 as the number of people and used 5 as the numerator to calculate the percentage in cells in which there were 5 or fewer persons, and we used 5 as the numerator to calculate mortality in categories in which there were 5 or fewer deaths.