Table 1:

Cohort characteristics for eligible periodic health examinations based on routine chest x-ray status, n = 2 847 508

Characteristic*No. (%) with CXR
n = 68 848
No. (%) without CXR
n = 2 778 660
Patient level
Age, yr
 Mean (95% CI)46.4 (46.3–46.5)42.1 (42.1–42.1)
 18–4429 542 (42.9)1 585 698 (57.1)
 45–6432 771 (47.6)1 023 450 (36.8)
 ≥ 656535 (9.5)169 512 (6.1)
 Female26 198 (38.1)1 735 658 (62.5)
 Male42 650 (61.9)1 043 002 (37.5)
 Rural3775 (5.5)212 201 (7.6)
 Non-rural65 073 (94.5)2 566 459 (92.4)
Neighbourhood income quintile
 1 (lowest)13 498 (19.6)414 265 (14.9)
 215 209 (22.1)502 926 (18.1)
 313 844 (20.1)560 390 (20.2)
 414 247 (20.7)642 577 (23.1)
 5 (highest)12 050 (17.5)658 502 (23.7)
Hospital admission — past 5 yr4486 (6.5)312 444 (11.2)
Mental health care — past yr7012 (10.2)339 760 (12.2)
Dementia — past 5 yr284 (0.4)8920 (0.3)
Rheumatologic disease — past 5 yr3449 (5.0)116 576 (4.2)
Rostered to primary care physician
 Yes68 822 (> 99.9)2777 436 (> 99.9)
 No26 (< 0.1)1224 (< 0.1)
Physician level
 Female15 952 (23.2)1 243 246 (44.9)
 Male52 678 (76.8)1 526 081 (55.1)
IMG22 689 (33.1)824 840 (29.8)
Years since graduation, mean (95% CI)28.8 (28.7–28.9)24.2 (24.2–24.2)
Practice level
Primary care practice model§
 Fee-for-service13 891 (20.2)422 355 (15.3)
 Family health group29 594 (43.1)995 071 (35.9)
 Family health network110 (0.2)8548 (0.3)
 Family health organization10 709 (15.6)656 365 (23.7)
 Family health team8371 (12.2)558 228 (20.2)
 Other5955 (8.7)128 760 (4.6)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, CXR = chest x-ray, IMG = international medical graduate.

  • * For all characteristics (except rostered to primary care physician), p < 0.001 across groups defined by post-physcial health examination CXR receipt status. p values not adjusted for potential intra-practice correlation.

  • Variable indicates whether patients were rostered to a primary care physician at study entry.

  • Provider-level variables only available for those index events involving a patient rostered to a primary care physician with a reported physician number for linkage (n = 2 837 957).

  • § Represents the primary care patient enrollment model that informs practice organization and remuneration.