Table 2:

Incidence rate ratio estimates of obesity visits conducted by nurses

ParameterRate ratio (95% CI)
Group at baseline
 5AsT intervention0.84 (0.47–1.49)
Time period
 Baseline (Q1–Q4)Ref.
 Intervention (Q5–Q6)0.95 (0.78–1.16)
 Postintervention (Q7–Q9)0.79 (0.6–1.05)
Group*time period interaction
 After 6-mo intervention1.30 (0.83–2.03)
 After 9-mo sustainability phase1.38 (0.87–2.19)
Total activity*1.0005 (1.0002–1.0007)
Clinic panel size, no. of patients
 ≤ 2754Ref.
 2755–65760.47 (0.23–0.99)
 ≥ 65770.56 (0.28–1.14)
  • Note: Analysis accounted for minimal clustering effects and for the stratification variable clinic panel size; see Appendix 3 for the model. Correlation structure: autoregressive of order 1. Inference is based on robust standard error. See Appendix 1 for details of the statistical model. CI = confidence interval, Q = quarter of year, Ref. = referent.

  • * Quarterly total of all clinical encounters.