Table 2:

Variation in messaging during different phases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic (25), (29) (36)

Late January–early March 2020 Local reassuranceMid-March 2020 Public actionLate March 2020 Collective duty
Je tiens à réitérer que le réseau de la santé est prêt et bien préparé à faire face à une apparition de cas au Québec. La population ne doit pas s’inquiéter. Bien que les cinq cas soient infirmés, comme la situation épidémiologique évolue rapidement, il est attendu et normal que d’autres cas soient investigués. Le Québec a mis en place un système de détection efficace et fiable, et demeure proactif et vigilant.
– Dr. Arruda, Quebec (Jan. 24)
Dr. Heather Morrison has confirmed the first positive case of COVID-19 in the province, and urges Islanders to follow recommendations to limit the potential number of cases and spread of the virus. … It is strongly recommended that Islanders follow the advice of the Chief Public Health Office and … reconsider attending social gatherings where a 2-m distance between people is not possible, especially if elderly or immune-compromised people are present.
– Prince Edward Island news release citing Dr. Morrison (Mar. 14)
We have to protect our health-care workers, so they can carry on with this important work. … When we take actions to limit the spread of this disease, among those we are protecting are the front-line workers that are so valuable in this situation. When you stay home and practise social distancing, you are not only protecting yourselves, you are protecting the people who may soon be saving your life.
– Dr. Russell, New Brunswick (Mar. 23)
While the risk to residents in Saskatchewan remains low, we are working closely with the Public Health Agency of Canada on preparedness, procedures and reporting to quickly identify and manage any cases that present for care. … Canada has multiple systems in place to prepare for, detect and respond to the spread of serious infectious diseases like novel coronavirus.
– Dr. Shahab, Saskatchewan (Feb. 13)
The new cases that have emerged today, particularly those demonstrating transmission into communities and school settings, mean we need to put in place additional restrictions for schools, day cares, continuing care facilities, and worship gatherings. These decisions are not made lightly, and I know they will have a tremendous impact on Albertans’ day-to-day lives, particularly parents, children, and seniors. But it is crucial we do everything possible to contain and limit the spread of COVID-19.
– Dr. Hinshaw, Alberta (Mar. 15)
Given the number of returning travellers, including snowbirds, and more testing being done, an increase in cases is expected. … We’re 3 weeks into our response and I know this is hard for everyone. Please continue to be part of flattening the curve by following public health advice and direction.
– Dr. Strang, Nova Scotia (Mar. 28)
The government and public health officials are reminding Manitobans the risk of acquiring COVID-19 in Manitoba remains low, but is increasing given events occurring in Canada and around the world. We must continue to prepare for this virus in Manitoba.
– Dr. Roussin, Manitoba (Mar. 10)
This death is further evidence of the increasing seriousness of the situation we are in, which is why the province has been taking decisive steps to manage the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario. Earlier today, the Ontario government enacted a declaration of emergency closing all facilities providing indoor recreational programs, public libraries, private schools, licensed child care centres, theatres, cinemas, concert venues and bars and restaurants, except to the extent that such facilities provide takeout food and delivery.
– Dr. Williams, Ontario (Mar. 17)
We are at a critical juncture in our provincial COVID-19 response. Every British Columbian has a part to play to flatten the curve. We must all do the right thing and be 100% committed.
Dr. Henry and Adrian Dix (Minister of Health), British Columbia (Mar. 31)