Table 2:

Rates of completion and on-target results of clinical tests

Clinical testGroup; no. (%) of patients*Standardized difference (95% CI)
All patients
n = 66 325
n = 28 969
n = 37 356
 Test completed51 007 (76.9)22 085 (76.2)28 922 (77.4)0.028 (0.013 to 0.043)
 Result, %, mean ± SD7.35 ± 1.497.26 ± 1.507.41 ± 1.490.095 (0.077 to 0.113)
 Result on target26 157 (51.3)11 877 (53.8)14 280 (49.4)0.088 (0.071 to 0.106)
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
 Test completed45 268 (68.3)19 878 (68.6)25 390 (68.0)0.014 (−0.001 to 0.029)
 Result, mmol/L, mean ± SD2.41 ± 0.952.36 ± 0.942.46 ± 0.950.107 (0.088 to 0.126)
 Result on target17 175 (37.9)8119 (40.8)9056 (35.7)0.107 (0.088 to 0.125)
Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio
 Test completed22 676 (34.2)10 148 (35.0)12 528 (33.5)0.031 (0.016 to 0.047)
 Result, mg/mmol, median (IQR)1.7 (0.8 to 5.4)1.6 (0.8 to 5.1)1.7 (0.8 to 5.6)0.020 (−0.006 to 0.046)
 Result on target12 429 (54.8)5708 (56.2)6721 (53.6)0.052 (0.026 to 0.078)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, HbA1c = glycated hemoglobin, IQR = interquartile range, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Except where indicated otherwise.

  • Mean or median result and percentage on target were calculated in relation to number of patients with the particular test completed in the study period. Mean and median values were calculated using individuals’ most recent test results completed in the study period.