Table 4:

Comparison of prior fragility fractures identified in clinic charts (calculated using FRAX) and on bone mineral density reports (calculated using CAROC) among patients after menopause who attended a clinical assessment at an osteoporosis clinic

BMD report, no. (%)*
Fracture reportedNo fracture reported
Osteoporosis clinic chart, no. (%)*Fracture reported30 (16.0)28 (15.0)
No fracture reported9 (4.8)120 (64.2)
  • Note: BMD = bone mineral density, CAROC = Canadian Association of Radiologists and Osteoporosis Canada, FRAX = Fracture Risk Assessment Tool.

  • * Data were available for 187 patients.

  • Shaded cells represent patients whose BMD reports and osteoporosis clinic charts provided disagreeing interpretations of fracture history.