Table 3:

School settings where transmission may have occurred for 55 cases of school-acquired SARS-CoV-2 infection*

Exposure settingNo. of casesNo. (%) of cases
Grades K–7
n = 35 exposure settings
Grades 8–12
n = 17 exposure settings
Staff only
n = 7 exposure settings
All grades
n = 59 exposure settings
Class28 (26 students, 2 staff)11 (10 students, 1 staff)2 (2 staff)41 (69.5)
Office, meeting or staff room2 (2 staff)1 (1 staff)3 (3 staff)6 (10.2)
Socializing at school3 (3 students)2 (2 students)05 (8.5)
Unspecified interaction01 (1 student)2 (2 staff)3 (5.1)
Field trip02 (1 student, 1 staff)02 (3.4)
Cohort2 (2 students)002 (3.4)
  • Note: K = kindergarten.

  • * There were multiple potential exposure settings for some cases; an assessment of which within-school exposure setting was most likely responsible for transmission was not included as part of this study.

  • A cohort is a group of students and staff who remain together throughout a school term, the composition of which is consistent for all activities that occur in schools.