Table 1:

Characteristics of patient navigation programs

CharacteristicNo. (%) of programs
Alberta Health Services
n = 43
Primary Care Networks
n = 15
Age group of patients served
 Children only16 (37)0
 Adults only (excluding seniors-only programs)6 (14)1 (7)
 Seniors only1 (2)0
 All ages20 (47)14 (93)
Targeted clinical conditions
 Cancer8 (19)0
 Cardiovascular disease2 (5)0
 Kidney disease1 (2)0
 Chronic disease prevention or management2 (5)2 (13)
 Substance use disorders and mental health10 (23)2 (13)
 Developmental or neurologic concerns7 (16)0
 Other2 (5)2 (13)
 No specific condition targeted11 (26)9 (60)
Self-referral possible16 (37)6 (40)
Inpatient program for hospitalized patients only2 (5)0
Follow-up provided27 (63)13 (87)
Zones served
 North5 (12)4 (27)
 Edmonton9 (21)3 (20)
 Central7 (16)8 (53)
 Calgary19 (44)0
 South3 (7)0
 Province-wide10 (23)0