Table 1:

Participant characteristics (n = 96)

Age, yr31.70 ± 3.92
Gestational age at recruitment, wk22.73 ± 8.93
 Female89 (92.7)
 Nonbinary1 (1.0)
Racial or ethnic background: white70 (72.9)
 High school diploma, certificate or incomplete university34 (35.4)
 University degree62 (64.6)
Married, common-law or live-in partner94 (97.9)
Born in Canada74 (77.1)
Geographic region§
 Fraser Health32 (33.3)
 Vancouver Coastal Health28 (29.2)
 Interior Health21 (21.9)
 Island Health6 (6.3)
 Northern Health1 (1.0)
Household income
 Under $40 0006 (6.2)
 $40 000 to $99 99937 (38.6)
 $100 000 and above53 (55.2)
Paid work during current pregnancy89 (92.7)
Primigravida33 (34.4)
Multigravida63 (65.6)
Did not receive prenatal care as early as desired13 (13.5)
Problems or complications during current pregnancy28 (29.2)
GAD-7 score5.76 ± 4.19
Anxiety symptoms
 None (GAD-7 score < 5)46 (47.9)
 Mild (GAD-7 score 5–9)33 (34.4)
 Moderate (GAD-7 score 10–14)13 (13.5)
 Severe (GAD-7 score > 14)4 (4.2)
EPDS score7.31 ± 3.97
Depressive symptoms
 No (EPDS score < 10)62 (64.6)
 Yes (EPDS score ≥ 10)34 (35.4)
  • Note: EPDS = Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, GAD-7 = 7-item

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Mean ± SD or no. (%).

  • Missing data for 6 participants (6.3%).

  • Values for other ethnic groups were very small and are not shown here for privacy reasons.

  • § Missing data for 8 participants (8.3%).