Table 3:

Patient and health care utilization characteristics of people who make frequent emergency department visits and controls (Apr. 1, 2015, to Mar. 31, 2016), by province

Frequent emergency department visitsControlsFrequent emergency department visitsControls
Patient characteristics (NACRS metadata)
 No. of patients4776471711848102027404111
 Gender, n (%)
  Female264731 (55.4)896281 (52.4)56417 (55.3)204986 (50.7)
  Male212908 (44.6)815550 (47.6)45610 (44.7)199125 (49.3)
  Other6 (0.0)9 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
  Undifferentiated2 (0.0)8 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
 Age, yr, median (IQR)52 (33–70)49 (33–64)46 (30–64)43 (30–59)
 Rural or urban, n (%)
  Rural98098 (20.5)273212 (16.0)35178 (34.5)71432 (17.7)
  Urban377318 (79.0)1435081 (83.8)65429 (64.1)330834 (81.9)
  Not available2231 (0.5)3555 (0.2)1420 (1.4)1845 (0.4)
 No. of visits per patient, median (IQR)4 (3–5)1 (1–1)5 (4–7)1 (1–2)
Emergency department visit characteristics (NACRS metadata)
 Total number of emergency department visits22131612106899690330562922
 Arrival by ambulance, n (%)
  Air ambulance411 (0.0)236 (0.0)443 (0.1)349 (0.1)
  Air and ground ambulance1315 (0.1)591 (0.0)470 (0.1)165 (0.0)
  Ground ambulance446762 (20.2)310071 (14.7)97925 (14.2)66255 (11.8)
  No ambulance1764673 (79.7)1796001 (85.2)591492 (85.7)496153 (88.1)
 Triage level (CTAS), n (%)
  1 (resuscitation)20796 (0.9)19316 (0.9)3109 (0.5)3192 (0.6)
  2 (emergent)458014 (20.7)418003 (19.8)77985 (11.3)81244 (14.4)
  3 (urgent)1012638 (45.8)967356 (45.9)221905 (32.1)215251 (38.2)
  4 (less urgent)593436 (26.8)638023 (30.3)239741 (34.7)206498 (36.7)
  5 (nonurgent)113565 (5.1)60197 (2.9)116670 (16.9)46307 (8.2)
  Unknown12344 (0.6)2695 (0.1)29364 (4.3)9957 (1.8)
  Not available2368 (0.1)1309 (0.1)1556 (0.2)473 (0.1)
 Visit disposition, n (%)
  Discharged1778194 (80.3)1818664 (86.3)577751 (83.7)479990 (85.3)
  Transferred or admitted337594 (15.3)221797 (10.5)82193 (11.9)61864 (11.0)
  Left against medical advice96255 (4.3)63833 (3.0)30174 (4.4)20513 (3.6)
  Died1118 (0.1)2605 (0.1)212 (0.0)555 (0.1)
Hospitalization characteristics (DAD metadata)
 No. of patients with at least 1 admission, (%)157965 (33.1)186498 (10.9)38464 (37.7)50348 (12.5)
 No. of admissions2924112119167501459728
 ICD-10 primary problem chapter among admissions, n (%)
  Infectious diseases (I)13966 (4.8)8194 (3.9)2624 (3.5)1738 (2.9)
  Neoplasms (II and III)18315 (6.3)11092 (5.2)3439 (4.6)2778 (4.7)
  Endocrine (IV)12236 (4.2)5688 (2.7)3028 (4.0)1543 (2.6)
  Mental and behavioural (V)10187 (3.5)4202 (2.0)8608 (11.5)4754 (8.0)
  Neurologic (VI)6983 (2.4)4583 (2.2)1655 (2.2)1264 (2.1)
  Eye and ear (VII and VIII)836 (0.3)1114 (0.5)242 (0.3)385 (0.6)
  Circulatory (IX)50029 (17.1)45727 (21.6)9415 (12.6)9660 (16.2)
  Respiratory (X)35749 (12.2)20607 (9.7)8679 (11.6)5353 (9.0)
  Digestive (XI)41150 (14.1)34488 (16.3)9910 (13.2)8722 (14.6)
  Skin (XII)5120 (1.8)2015 (1.0)1653 (2.2)645 (1.1)
  Musculoskeletal (XIII)8113 (2.8)4757 (2.2)1975 (2.6)1352 (2.3)
  Genitourinary (XIV)19100 (6.5)10740 (5.1)4695 (6.3)3563 (6.0)
  Pregnancy (XV)5417 (1.9)6688 (3.2)2848 (3.8)2853 (4.8)
  Perinatal (XVI)0 (0.0)1 (0.0)2 (0.0)0 (0.0)
  Congenital (XVII)124 (0.0)110 (0.1)44 (0.1)47 (0.1)
  Abnormal clinical findings (XVIII)27636 (9.5)15969 (7.5)5523 (7.4)3374 (5.6)
  Injury and poisoning (XIX)27506 (9.4)27818 (13.1)7904 (10.5)9135 (15.3)
  General health status (XXI)9944 (3.4)8122 (3.8)2770 (3.7)2560 (4.3)
  Not available0 (0.0)1 (0.0)0 (0.0)2 (0.0)
 Alcohol-related diagnoses among admissions, n (%)
  Yes4000 (1.4)1402 (0.7)2482 (3.3)771 (1.3)
  No288411 (98.6)210514 (99.3)72532 (96.7)58957 (98.7)
 Continuing care (CCRS metadata)
  Number of patients with continuing care use, n (%)19512 (4.1)20307 (1.2)1140 (1.1)1730 (0.4)
 Home care (HCRS metadata)
  Number of patients with home care use, n (%)91582 (19.2)111368 (6.5)15901 (15.6)20439 (5.1)
Mental health hospitalization–related characteristics (HMHDB metadata)
 No. of patients with at least 1 mental health–related admission (%)25555 (5.4)16048 (0.9)5913 (5.8)4677 (1.2)
 Homelessness status among patients with at least 1 mental health–related admission, n (%)
  Home1246 (4.9)247 (1.5)338 (5.7)80 (1.7)
  No. of mental health–related admissions427081824397985653
 Diagnosis category among mental health–related admissions n (%)
  Mood disorder12038 (28.2)5654 (31.0)1854 (18.9)1379 (24.4)
  Substance-related disorder8758 (20.5)2600 (14.3)3570 (36.4)1086 (19.2)
  Schizophrenic and psychotic disorder9192 (21.5)3973 (21.8)1297 (13.2)1118 (19.8)
  Organic disorder5721 (13.4)3518 (19.3)986 (10.1)1063 (18.8)
  Other mental health disorder3187 (7.5)1533 (8.4)1142 (11.7)658 (11.6)
  Anxiety disorder1661 (3.9)618 (3.4)459 (4.7)217 (3.8)
  Personality disorder1918 (4.5)234 (1.3)446 (4.6)88 (1.6)
  Non–mental health disorder183 (0.4)86 (0.5)44 (0.4)44 (0.8)
  Unknown disorder or not available50 (0.1)27 (0.1)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
  • Note: CCRS = Continuing Care Reporting System, CTAS = Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale, DAD = Discharge Abstract Database, HCRS = Home Care Reporting System, HMHDB = Hospital Mental Health Database, IQR = interquartile range, ICD-10-CA = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, Canadian version, NACRS = National Ambulatory Care Reporting System.