Table 4:

Cluster analysis and subgroup characterization among people who made frequent emergency department visits from Apr. 1, 2013, to Mar. 31, 2014 — Ontario

CharacteristicSubgroup 1 (“Short duration”)Subgroup 2 (“Older patients”)Subgroup 3 (“Young mental health”)Subgroup 4 (“Injury”)
Subgroup characteristics (clustering variables)
 No. of patients341167499549167292704
 Age, yr, median (IQR)49 (32–64)69 (54–80)45 (29–63)47 (30–65)
 No. of visits to the emergency department, median (IQR)2 (1–3)3 (2–4)6 (4–8)2 (1–3)
 Charlson Comorbidity Index, median (IQR)0 (0–0)1 (1–1)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)
 No. of different discharge diagnosis chapters, median (IQR)2 (2–2)3 (2–4)5 (4–6)3 (2–3)
 No. of months in the year that patients visited the emergency department, median (IQR)1 (1–2)3 (3–4)6 (5–7)3 (2–3)
 Regularity index, median (IQR)1 (0.8–1)0.9 × 10−7 (0.6 × 10−7 to 6.8 × 10−5)1.3 × 10−7 (0.9 × 10−7 to 2.2 × 10−7)0.9 × 10−7 (0.5 × 10−7 to 1.2 × 10−4)
Patient characteristics (NACRS metadata)
 Gender, n (%)
  Female16875 (49.5)39575 (52.8)29136 (59.3)166034 (56.7)
  Male17241 (50.5)35420 (47.2)20030 (40.7)126667 (43.3)
  Other0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)1 (0.0)
  Undifferentiated0 (0.0)0 (0.0)1 (0.0)1 (0.0)
  Not available0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)1 (0.0)
 Rural or urban, n (%)
  Rural7361 (21.6)15945 (21.3)10957 (22.3)58949 (20.1)
  Urban26669 (78.2)58923 (78.6)37485 (76.2)232647 (79.5)
Emergency department visit characteristics (NACRS metadata)
 No. of emergency department visits1139903860115633971187131
 Top 5 ICD-10 emergency department primary diagnoses, n (%)
  1Drug therapies
13082 (11.5)
23782 (4.2)
Abdominal pain
23782 (4.2)
Abdominal pain
46055 (3.9)
  2Abdominal pain
3944 (3.5)
15192 (2.7)
Drug therapies
15192 (2.7)
37335 (3.1)
3151 (2.8)
15025 (2.7)
15025 (2.7)
Chest pain
31801 (2.7)
  4Cellulitis of the lower limb
3107 (2.7)
12552 (2.2)
Chest pain
12552 (2.2)
Drug therapies
26497 (2.2)
  5Cellulitis of the upper limb
2021 (1.8)
10268 (1.8)
Alcohol intoxication
10268 (1.8)
Cellulitis of the lower limb
16941 (1.4)
 Visit disposition, n (%)
  Discharged92928 (81.5)266750 (69.1)455419 (80.8)1003316 (84.5)
  Left against medical advice4525 (4.0)8323 (2.2)32546 (5.8)43506 (3.7)
  Admitted9544 (8.4)101667 (26.3)64298 (11.4)121653 (10.2)
  Transferred to another facility6952 (6.1)8706 (2.3)10989 (2.0)18268 (1.5)
  Died41 (0.0)565 (0.1)145 (0.0)388 (0.0)
Hospitalization characteristics (DAD metadata)
 No. of patients with at least 1 admission (%)6825 (20.0)45430 (60.6)21745 (44.2)72084 (24.6)
 No. of admissions807810092457359110157
 Top 5 ICD-10-CA primary diagnosis chapters, n (%)
1574 (19.5)
30001 (29.7)
12229 (21.3)
19370 (17.6)
  2Injury and poisoning
1351 (16.7)
20441 (20.3)
Abnormal clinical findings
6901 (12.0)
Injury and poisoning
14330 (13.0)
1286 (15.9)
Abnormal clinical findings
7836 (7.8)
Injury and poisoning
5604 (9.8)
Abnormal clinical findings
12961 (11.8)
  4Abnormal clinical findings
599 (7.4)
Neoplasms and blood
7459 (7.4)
4707 (8.2)
12934 (11.7)
560 (6.9)
6693 (6.6)
4615 (8.0)
9034 (8.2)
 All alcohol-related diagnoses, n (%)
  No8027 (99.4)100643 (99.7)55351 (96.5)108918 (98.9)
  Yes51 (0.6)281 (0.3)2008 (3.5)1239 (1.1)
Mental health hospitalization–related characteristics (HMHDB metadata)
 No. of patients with at least 1 admission (%)1103 (3.2)4955 (6.6)10048 (20.4)20031 (6.8)
 No. of mental health–related admissions1926846740 40645 035
 Diagnosis category among mental health–related admissions, n (%)
  Mood disorder629 (32.7)1967 (23.2)10473 (25.9)14071 (31.2)
  Schizophrenic and psychotic disorder524 (27.2)1291 (15.2)9852 (24.4)11582 (25.7)
  Substance-related disorder337 (17.5)1150 (13.6)10686 (26.4)8766 (19.5)
  Organic disorder177 (9.2)3097 (36.6)1379 (3.4)3606 (8.0)
  Other mental health disorder137 (7.1)423 (5.0)3248 (8.0)3478 (7.7)
  Anxiety disorder57 (3.0)344 (4.1)1582 (3.9)1772 (3.9)
  Personality disorder51 (2.6)162 (1.9)2964 (7.3)1517 (3.4)
  Non–mental health disorder11 (0.6)30 (0.4)177 (0.4)183 (0.4)
  Unknown disorder3 (0.2)3 (0.0)45 (0.1)60 (0.1)
  • Note: CHF = congestive heart failure, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, DAD = Discharge Abstract Database, HMHDB = Hospital Mental Health Database, ICD-10-CA = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, Canadian version, IQR = Interquartile range, NACRS = National Ambulatory Care Reporting System, UTI = urinary tract infection.