Table 2:

Immediate post-symposium survey: spread outputs

Quantitative survey items (closed-ended questions)Qualitative survey items (open-ended questions)
Itemn (%)*Summary of responses and comments
Innovators (n = 21 respondents)
 Intend to follow up with interested clinical leads and Dragon-FacilitatorsNo intention of following up (n = 1): not applicable
  Yes20 (95)
  No1 (5)
 Expected method of follow-up with interested parties (could select multiple answers)Follow-up method to be determined with teams based on mutual interests
  Individually (email or phone)17 (85)
  Follow-up meeting6 (30)
  Create a committee4 (20)
 Would recommend the symposium to a colleagueWould not recommend symposium (n = 1): did not meet current needs
  Yes19 (90)
  No1 (5)
  Missing1 (5)
 Would like to be invited to a second editionSymposium highlights:
  • Excellence of the innovations and format

  • Motivation generated by positive leaders

  • Networking between stakeholders

  Yes20 (95)
  No1 (5)
Clinical leads and Dragon-Facilitators (n = 61 respondents)
 Symposium format met the objective of discovering new innovationsInnovation discovered:
  • Promising innovations

  • Avoids having to “reinvent the wheel”

Symposium format:
  • Highly dynamic format

  • Enjoyed “shopping” for innovations

  • Insufficient time to see all innovators

  • Difficult to target which innovators to visit

  Agree53 (86)
  Disagree4 (7)
  Missing4 (7)
 Likelihood of adopting or supporting an innovation in the next year, mean ± SD8.02 ± 1.63
 Would recommend the symposium to a colleagueWould not recommend symposium (n = 1): good intentions, but did not meet needs
  Yes59 (96)
  No1 (2)
  Missing1 (2)
 Would like to be invited to a second editionSymposium highlights:
  • A breath of fresh air in a difficult climate

  • Bringing together different stakeholders to share tested innovations

  Yes59 (96)
  No1 (2)
  Missing1 (2)
  • Note: SD = standard deviation.

  • * Unless indicated otherwise.

  • 0 = not at all likely, 10 = extremely likely.