Table 3:

Three-month post-symposium survey: short-term spread outcomes

Innovators (n = 21 respondents)
 How have your post-symposium follow-ups been going?Followed up (62%, 13/21)
  • Ongoing conversations with teams, but no concrete spread yet

  • Followed up by email, but no important conversations ensued

  • Strategically managing spread with selective follow-ups

  • Implementation to start soon in several interested clinics

  • Have provided early implementation support (e.g., training, information, shared tools)

  • Created LinkedIn group with interested clinical leads and Dragon-Facilitators to discuss further

Did not follow up (38%, 8/21)
  • No follow-up, but plan to follow up soon

  • No follow-up planned (e.g., lack of time, insufficient resources)

 What have your successes been to date?Resources and partners
  • Applied for or obtained new research funding

  • Strong stakeholder engagement

  • Collaboration with Dragon-Facilitators and new partners

  • Established committee to support innovation spread

  • Additional teams have expressed interest post-symposium

Innovation spread
  • Shared innovation tools (e.g., 42% increased use of online tool since symposium)

  • Initiated innovation implementation in new contexts (e.g., training, planning)

 What barriers have you faced?Barriers related to the innovation
  • Lack of funding, resources and time to follow up

  • Staff turnover in innovation team

  • Insufficient capacity to meet the demand of all interested parties

  • Further innovation development required before spread

Barriers related to the clinical leads and Dragon-Facilitators
  • Clinical leads and Dragon-Facilitators were only moderately interested

  • Change fatigue because of ongoing health system transformation