Table 2:

Guideline key questions and outcomes by category

Relevant guideline categoryPrimary area of focusRationalePrimary outcome of interest and rationale
DiagnosisWhat valid and reliable tests can assist with a clinical diagnosis of BCRL?Guidance is lacking on best methods for early identification of BCRLSensitivity and specificity (30)
Prevention and risk reductionWhat is the evidence supporting the benefit of prevention and risk reduction strategies?Controversies exist over many of the recommended prevention and risk reduction strategiesIncidence rates: presented as percentages, fractions or simple frequencies (31)
Effective managementWhat is the state of the evidence supporting conservative, pharmacologic and surgical management of BCRL?Inconsistencies are found across guideline recommendations and grades of evidence for best-practice management of BCRLArm lymphedema volume was chosen as this metric is used clinically for decisions related to treatment (32)
Measurement outcomesWhat metrics need to be captured to inform ongoing care of BCRL over the longer term?Guidance is lacking on best practices related to follow-up and surveillance of chronic BCRLValid, reliable and sensitive methods (33)
  • Note: BCRL = breast cancer–related lymphedema.