Table 1:

Characteristics of walk-in patients compared with the Ontario population, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2019

CharacteristicWalk-in patients
n = 562 781
Ontario population
n = 14 388 566
Standardized mean difference
Age, yr, mean ± SD35.8 ± 21.441.1 ± 23.00.24
Age, yr, no. (%)
 < 18114 347 (20.3)2 761 255 (19.2)0.03
 18–29133 613 (23.7)2 181 897 (15.2)0.22
 30–44123 606 (22.0)2 903 298 (20.2)0.04
 45–64129 055 (22.9)4 011 605 (27.9)0.11
 65–7437 572 (6.7)1 431 818 (10.0)0.12
 ≥ 7524 588 (4.4)1 098 693 (7.6)0.14
Sex, female, no. (%)318 211 (56.5)7 330 105 (50.9)0.11
Neighbourhood income quintile, no. (%)
 Q1 (lowest)114 911 (20.4)2 827 594 (19.7)0.02
 Q2113 471 (20.2)2 823 987 (19.6)0.01
 Q3112 402 (20.0)2 897 691 (20.1)0
 Q4112 670 (20.0)2 902 771 (20.2)0
 Q5 (highest)108 366 (19.3)2 912 107 (20.2)0.02
 Missing961 (0.2)24 416 (0.2)0
Recent provincial health insurance registrant,* no. (%)42 520 (7.6)1 259 553 (8.8)0.04
 Missing75 330 (13.4)1 641 249 (11.4)0.06
Urban or rural residence, no. (%)
 Large urban420 038 (74.6)10 485 665 (72.9)0.04
 Small urban116 465 (20.7)2 745 665 (19.1)0.04
 Rural22 196 (3.9)1 014 962 (7.1)0.14
 Missing4,082 (0.7)142 274 (1.0)0.03
Comorbidity count, no. (%)
 Low (0–5)296 041 (52.6)9 237 848 (64.2)0.24
 Moderate (6–9)186 632 (33.2)3 739 043 (26.0)0.16
 High (≥ 10)80 108 (14.2)1 411 675 (9.8)0.14
Health care utilization band, no. (%)
 Low (0–2)147 254 (26.2)5 102 921 (35.5)0.20
 Moderate (3)290 468 (51.6)6 607 408 (45.9)0.11
 High (4–5)125 059 (22.2)2 678 237 (18.6)0.09
Primary care physician attachment, no. (%)
 Formally enrolled393 922 (70.0)10 806 044 (75.1)0.11
 Virtually attached74 845 (13.3)1 412 289 (9.8)0.11
 No primary care visits94 014 (16.7)2 170 233 (15.1)0.04
Total family physician visits in previous 2 years
 Mean ± SD7.7 ± 8.05.8 ± 6.90.26
 Median (IQR)6.0 (3.0–10.0)4.0 (1.0–8.0)0.36
Total specialist visits in previous year
 Mean ± SD1.7 ± 3.61.7 ± 3.60.02
 Median (IQR)0.0 (0.0–2.0)0.0 (0.0–2.0)0.04
≥ 1 visit with enrolling family physician in previous year, no. (%)265 468 (47.2)7 133 688 (49.6)0.05
 Missing (patient does not have an enrolling family physician)168 859 (30.0)3 582 522 (24.9)0.11
Proportion of patients with ≥ 1 emergency department visit in prior year, no. (%)168 935 (30.0)3 284 803 (22.8)0.16
Continuity of care (%), median (IQR)50.0 (30.0–80.0)75.0 (50.0–100.0)0.51
Missing (< 2 visits made)80 662 (14.3)3 887 670 (27.0)0.32
  • Note: IQR = interquartile range, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Recent provincial health insurance registration is a proxy for recent immigration to the province.

  • Measured over the previous 2 years.

  • Continuity of care was measured as the percentage of primary care visits for the previous 2 years that occurred with their usual family physician. (31)

  • A standardized difference of ≥ 10% (0.1) was considered to indicate a meaningful difference.