Table 3:

Five-year (2022–2026) cumulative results on scope and performance of case detection strategies

VariableEligible* (% of target population)Administered case detection (% of target population)Referred for outpatient spirometryAdditional diagnoses (% target population)
True positives (% of tested)False positives (% of tested)
(S1) All patients
 S1a: CDQ ≥ 1720 468 000 (92.4)8 947 300 (40.4)175 400 (2.0)4 468 000 (49.9)145 700 (0.66)
 S1b: Flow metre85 000 (0.9)772 100 (8.6)67 700 (0.31)
 S1c: CDQ ≥ 17 + flow metre58 100 (0.6)412 900 (4.6)44 600 (0.20)
(S2) Symptomatic patients
 S2a: Flow metre18 760 100 (84.7)5 792 300 (26.2)87 000 (1.5)1 161 600 (20.1)69 800 (0.32)
(S3) Smoking history
 S3a: CDQ ≥ 19.58 486 300 (38.3)3 705 900 (16.7)28 000 (0.8)1 382 600 (37.3)22 000 (0.10)
 S3b: CDQ ≥ 16.587 000 (2.3)2 117 800 (57.1)76 300 (0.34)
 S3c: Flow metre55 100 (1.5)748 900 (20.2)47 000 (0.21)
 S3d: CDQ ≥ 17 + flow metre42 400 (1.1)184 600 (5.0)35 300 (0.16)
  • Note: CDQ = COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Results based on a single run of EPIC per scenario.

  • * Eligible defined as meeting the eligibility criteria and having visited primary care within the same year over the time horizon.

  • Additional diagnoses compared with routine diagnosis under the baseline scenario of no case detection, after 5 years.